
Magda is teaching me about identifying individual turtles. Some turtles have very obvious individual characteristics. Ruby has a brown shell. Manini (Hawaiian for "small") is really small. (I have not been able to get a picture of Manini because he only comes up after it's too dark to get a good picture, but he's absolutely adorable.) Greenie's shell has a spot that is dented inwards, most likely caused by a collision with something. Other turtles have to be examined more closely. Each individual has a unique pattern of scales on their head, like a fingerprint. It is important to count the number of scales because that differs as well. You can look at the tail to see if the turtle is male or female. Males have really long tails, useful for grasping onto females during mating. Females have short tails. You can also take note of any fibropapilloma tumors or abnormalities in the fins, such as if part of the fin is missing. As I was learning all thi...